Friday, December 04, 2009

Goodbye Method: A Sign of the Times

WSJ has an interesting commentary today about the end of the influence of the Method School of Acting. Represented by such staunch players as Marlon Brando and Robert DeNiro, the author suggests that it has yielded to a rebirth of the more classic "pretender" ala Cary Grant (my personal favorite) or Sir Laurence Olivier. My two cents is that, as "socionomics" theorists would suggest, the times have changed and consequently, our tastes have changed with the times. In a difficult, sometimes bleak world we want to "pretend" and we want a light, breezy style from someone like Matt Damon or George Clooney. In a more upbeat time, we have a little more spirit and good feeling to spare, so we look for something a little edgier, maybe like Brad Pitt. If I were Mr. Pitt's agent, I would take note.


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