Eastern Seaboard Coastal Development
Just like after Katrina, we have not seen New Orleans come back to its former population. Much of its housing was built below flood levels and these developments were unsustainable. People learned the hard way, the folly of their ways. Now this lesson is being learned in New Jersey and elsewhere on the East Coast. I am sure the US Federal Government will try and "fix" everything and make everything right. And I am sure that we will continue to hear cries of "We will rebuild!", I don't think that will happen. At least in places where development does not make sense that were heavily damaged and at least on the same scale as before. I just don't think that the money or energy is there. It took 75-100 years to build up these areas and forget the harsh lessons that Mother Nature has for those who taunt her. It has only taken hours for the sea to reclaim what belongs to her. Best leave it that way. There will be those who will try and rebuild it the way it was and some will be successful to some degree. But overall, there will be less development on the beach, because there has to be less. There are no longer enough resources to support it.